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Evaluates a time value based on a mask. The time does not need to be specified, in which case the mask is applied to the current time.
GetTime( mask [, time] )
mask The mask to apply to the supplied time or the current time.
time The time to evaluate.
 Date/Time Masks
The mask values apply to all date manipulation functions; Now(), GetTime(), and GetDate().
e Use English names (e is first character in mask)
f Use French names (f is first character in mask)
g Use German names (g is first character in mask)
+numnum is offset in hours (+ must be first or second character in mask)
-numnum is offset in hours (- must be first or second character in mask)
d Non-zero padded month day number (1-31)
dd Zero padded month day number (01-31)
ddd Abbreviated weekday name
ddddLong weekday name
m Non-zero padded month number (1-12)
mm Zero padded month number (01-12)
mmm Abbreviated month name
mmmmLong month name
y Non-zero padded year (0-99)
yy Zero padded year (00-99)
yyy Day of year as decimal number (1-366)
yyyyFour digit year number
h Non-zero padded number of hours (0-11)
hh Zero padded number of hours (00-11)
H Non-zero padded number of hours (0-23; 24 hour clock)
HH Zero padded number of hours (0-23; 24 hour clock)
M Non-zero padded number of minutes (0-59)
MM Zero padded number of minutes (00-59)
S Non-zero padded number of seconds (0-59)
SS zero padded number of seconds (00-59)
z AM/PM specifier as a single letter (a or p)
zz AM/PM specifier as two letters (am or pm)
\ Escape next character (eg. '\d' will translate to 'd')

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