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The APPLICATION table contains information that is available to all users on
a particular web application. To access information in the APPLICATION table
use format APPLICATION.varaibleName, to set information in the table use
the same format.
<!--- Name the APPLICATION --->
<!--- Set a value in the APPLICATION table --->
<!--- Clear a value in the APPLICATION table --->
<!--- Ouptut a value from the APPLICATION table --->
The following example is a snippet of code showing the process of creating a TABLE in
the APPLICATION table, and retrieving values from that contained table.
<!--- Name the APPLICATION --->
<!--- Create a TABLE within the APPLICATION table --->
<SASET NAME=APPLICATION.appName VALUE=MakeTable( "inc,message" ) >
<!--- Within other scripts, you may now have --->
<SAIF COND=APPLICATION.appName.count .eq. 10>
This type of functionality is very efficient for systems that may need to access a database
on a regular basis. As an example, you are designing a community site that requires a list
of areas from a database. The list does not change often enough to warrant a database, but
at the same time for scalability, you do not want to edit numerous pages at a later
date if the areas are changed for whatever reason.
<!--- Name the APPLICATION --->
<!--- Create an areas TABLE --->
SELECT areas FROM table
<!--- Within other scripts, you may now have --->
<SASET NAME=areaTable[] VALUE=APPLICATION.appName.areas>
<SAFIRST NAME=areaTable>
<SAWHILE COND=areaTable.MoreData()>
<!--- Output the areas --->
<SANEXT NAME=areaTable>